Palma Release Updates

Fundraising process with sales activities, bug fixes (NO new releases)
1. Since PODIM conference, which was a kind of a fundraising PR for us, we are mainly focusing on fundraising. We opened for institutional investors while executing our sales process. All banks, brokerage houses and other institutions that would like to get guidence or technology to effectively enter crypto markets please welcome to write to us at
2. Bug fixes
Contact Palmatrix9th of July 2021

PODIM startup conference finals, CoinNewsExtra interview launch, Fundraising with B2B Meetings and Pitching
1. We made it to the semi-finals of PODIM startup conference, the biggest of its kind in this part of Europe. The big finale starts on Monday the 17th of May. CLick the button below for more info.
2. Our CBDO, Jernej Vrčko did an interesting interview for the first African Fintech/Crypto TV app and media CoinNewsExtra. To see the live interview video, please visit one of our social media - links in the footer of this website.
3. Mainly the whole team is focusing on presenting the organization to potential B2B clients and investors with the goal to speed up the development of the platform and its features/products.
PODIM Schedule13th of May 2021

Train The Trainer programme launch, Copy Trading with PalmaExecutor, New partnerships, Trading Dashboard button with many new features, server upgrade, bug fixes
1. We have launched our Train the Trainer programme together with partners Coinvention Finance and All About Crypto where we invite everybody that conduct education in the digital assets space to enrol and diversify content with multi-exchange real-time virtual assistant Palma on Telegram.
2. We enabled copy trading with PalmaExecutor and tested it on MatriksIQ platform - simply input many connection strings (one for each user) and run the strategy.
3. Together with we established partnership and are running 18Palmas daily AMA sessions where we do a trading competition on PalmaDEMO and invite guests speakers - al for education purposes.
4. Another new partnership was just signed with, a predictive analytics expert early-stage startup with a long history in AI and machine learning - more coming soon.
5. Trading Dashboard button with many features is now accessible among your system buttons just below the conversation window with Palma on Telegram. Enjoy all-in-one dashboard where you can do analysis, track your favorite coins, execute trades, and more.
6. Server disk upgraded went through successfully bringing us 1 step closer to version 2. Coming soon.
7. Bug fixes.
Join our community for more8th of April 2021

Support for Facebook Messenger, Server HW Upgrade, DataBase Optimization, Trading Dashboard UX optimization, 2Fa support for PalmaWeb, Most Traded coin info, Chart graph optimizations
1. We have added support for Facebook Messenger - this first phase enables you to receive notifications straight to FB messenger.
2. Server HardWare Upgrade with several times faster disks which resulted in an even more awesome speed - especially when it comes to trade setup process and Trading Dashboard loading.
3. Database optimization increased speed as well! Enabling to trigger all your personalized actions even faster - remember, we do not store your personal data, that is why this part is even more important!
4. Much faster loading, plus Trading terminal Trade history, Order Book, and custom charts
- Trading terminal alerts added, balance amounts clickable, amount and price live calculation, referral code sharing channels added.
5. 2Fa support for PalmaWeb, now access PalmaWeb securely from anywere!
6. Most Traded coin info daily service - see which coins are traded the most and enrich your trading decisions.
7. Chart graph optimizations with improved chart resolution on 5 min scale.
8. Bug fixes.
Palma with Amazing Speed and Usability!25th of February 2021

Faster Buy/Sell Limit Orders Performance, New DEMO Trading Process, PRO Orders Optimization, (NEW!) PalmaWidgets for Partners, Bug Fixes
1. Buy/Sell algo now executes always with best ask/bid.
2. PRO orders aligned with actual execution for next action and P/L calculation, Faster order 2 execution, Amount alignment in process of partial order execution, Exchange user-customized fees implemented.
3. Automatic first conversion for demo trading -> DEMO Newcomers (or /demo_reset) get now DEMO funds for the chosen market worth 1 Bitcoin.
4. Express buy, sell, arbi links. News with an express link. Arbi (with market selection) express link.
5. Bug fixes.
Try Out All New Features!21st of January 2021

New CoinPrice with AI, Kraken Upgraded to Real Time Connector, added to DEMO Connector, Improved Market Making Algorithm, Bug Fixes
1. First visible AI part is becoming part of the production. See changes of /coinPrice command conversation.
2. Exchanges Connector Upgraded: Kraken put to Real-Time Connector, attached to DEMO Connector.
3. Improved Market Making Algorithm, trade with faster and more accurate moves than ever!
4. Bug fixes for stabilization of graph presentations and UX improvements.
Test with Telegram Virtual Assistant22nd of December 2020

PalmaExecutor Official Launch, NovaDAX Brazilian Exchange Partnership, Media Partnership, Product Review
1. On Tuesday the 17th of November our annual live conference took place online. With eminent speakers from the financial industry, like Bitstamp, TradingView,, FIMA and others, we set new age guidelines for the crypto trading industry!
2. With a full partnership deal NovaDAX is the first exchange that stepped into full collaboration with our RT Exchange Certification Programme. As Brazilian second biggest, yet world's fastest-growing crypto exchange, NovaDAX together with PalmaTeam set a new frontier in sense of user experience in trading. For more info, read our blog.
3. First met in Istanbul we set a common course as we see mutual benefits in providing crypto and financial knowledge to a wider audience in crypto and financial space.
4. PalmaExecutor was spotted by the professional eyes of traders and investors at that decided to do a full review by testing on how it is working with TradingView. The result is an article with the title ``The Missing Link Between TradingView and Crypto Exchanges``, click the button below: Review23rd of November 2020

CoinMarketAlert Integration Finished, 2 Pillar Exchange Certification, Real Time /arbi Upgraded, Daily News Selection from Over 50 Sources
1. CoinMarketAlert integration was finished at the end of September providing everybody with (all) free exclusive alerts from different sources like coin's communities, Exchange's News Feeds, etc. Webhook your favorite alert directly to PalmaExecutor and execute predefined trades as soon as the alert arrives with a single click or even automate and manage on the GO! Click below to see XRP and exclusive news alert use case!
2. With a careful approach to monitoring now over 50 exchanges we established a 2 Pillar Exchange Certificate where the 1st (Connection) certificate ensures the speed of trading data delivered and trade execution reliability. Whereas the 2nd (KYC) certificate enables a continuous collaboration for easier access to exchange's accounts, optimizing registration and KYC workflows. For more info, please contact our representatives:
3. Arbitrage notification is now available as a daily service not to miss out on opportunities available 24/7 even when markets are in a bearish mood. Real-time /arbi was upgraded so it is easy to filter out markets, exchanges, and coins, we added a lightning link, so you can execute arbitrage with only one click.
4. News selection delivered to you daily. From more than 50 digital assets news sources we deliver to you selected news from cryptoverse. All daily services can be muted if it is too much buzz for you. Please check /mute command. You should have a non-freemium package to be able to do that.
PalmaExecutor & CoinMarketAlert Use Case19th of October 2020

SL-TP PalmaBot Executor option, /radar and /volatility features, New Markets Supported, New Coins Exchange Listings in Telegram Community
1. PalmaBot Executor (/xc) got extended with special order placement possibilities for predefined orders with alert setup. The official launch still holds back the official tutorials, yet informations are available through our PalmaBot Community, support community on Telegram.
2. /radar and /volatility features came out last month for a wider usage. Use /radar to get top gainers and worst loosers for the last 7 days for 31 exchanges and over 3000 trading pairs.
3. PalmaBot now supports 15 markets (and counting). Have your trading base in fiat, BTC, ETH or in stablecoin. Most of them (dependant from exchange) are covered now in PalmaBot!
4. Join our support community on Telegram called PalmaBot Community and receive updates on new coin listings for most of the supported exchanges and never miss a price pump again!
Join Our Support Community21st of September 2020

Coinalyze Integration, Trading Dashboard, Additional Order Placement Options, UX optimization
1. It is now possible to set real time alerts (e.g. liquidations) on and webhook it to receive alert notification directly to PalmaBot on Telegram, where you can place single click order, automate and have control at your fingertips by deactivating any time. For more, click the button below.
2. Trading Dashboard beta is out! No more worries with accounting! You can find in /PalmaPRO under /orders where you can see all your trading history in one nice HTML based overview. You will find the shortcut button as well after every successful trade. Expect more soon!
3. Additional Order placement options - place buy order with the price higher than the current one is already in production. Use it together with SL and TP with trailing possibilities wisely.
4. UX optimization with shortcut buttons added - now you can find shortcut buttons for buy, sell, balance, fresh price and trading dashboard right after you have finished your instant trade. Or find balance, price&chart and trading dashboard shortcuts after a successful automated trade.
Read our CEO's blog on Coinalyze19th of August 2020

Orders Management, Translated System Buttons, TradingView Beta Integration, UX optimization, Architecture Upgrade
1. To make your trading life even easier, we made a one-stop-shop for all your trades, history and automated - go to PalmaBot and say to it /orders
2. One of the missing points of translations was system buttons translations (the once below the conversation window. To change language within PalmaBot on Telegram, go to: Account - Settings - Language
3. For all you TradingView lovers, we finally finished with beta testing and prepared a user manual for you, go here: Main Menu - User Guide - Executor Manual
4. There are many workflows now optimized with buttons added and steps skipped. Enjoy even faster and easier user experience.
5. Architecture Upgrade - part of the database runs now in RAM, only parts that are not frequently used are stored in a usual disk storage database to empower even faster usability.
PalmaBot Awaits Your Orders19th of July 2020

Knowledgebase upgrade, New website release, Explanatory Video Release, Global PR launch! and bug fixes
1. To make your trading success even greater and provide you with know how to improve as an investor or trader, we have upgraded PalmaBot Knowledgebase:
Main Menu -> Knowledgebase
2. New website release - check out our new design with optimized user flow - especially we made sure that you can as quickly as possible access PalmaBot od Telegram, plus check all the informations you need to improve your knowledge and check the features.
3. Explanatory was our major missing piece within the marketing sphere. We were planning and optimizing it for 6 months and the result is awesome with great feedback from our users. See for yourself - just navigate to the top right side of our website
4. Global PR launch announcing our partnership with FIMA investment institution - we got a lot of interest about writing about us, but we decided to give the exclusive rights to ex. AltCoin Magazine that just got renamed to TheCapital. With them we already reached more then 27.000 views. Hit the button below and enjoy reading.
5. Bug Fixes:
-> exchange rare answers parsing,
-> exchange communication protocol stabilization.
18th of June 2020

Walkthrough V1 release, KnowledgeBase MVP release, Real Time Data Processing Engine Stabilization and Optimization
1. For the presentation purposes and to make your learning curve even shorter, we decided to build a walkthrough for you that will lead you through all major features of PalmaBot. Go to:
Main Menu -> User Guide -> Walkthrough
2. KnowledgeBase was a big challenge for us as we wanted to make financial wording clear and easy as possible for anybody - yet we remained highly professional language. Try us out, go here:
Main Menu -> KnowledgeBase
3. Real Time Data Processing Engine Optimization
Do you remember the previous crash at the beginning of March 2020 as we had some difficulties that slowed PalmaBot down.
And do you remember Coinbase crashing at the last market drop a few days ago? Well, PalmaBot worked like a charm, our users could execute trades normally even on Coinbase.
15th of May 2020

Big.One Chinese exchange added, TradingView (alpha) integration, blog launch and Corona Beta pricing prolongation
1. We integrated a new exchange - Big.One. Check out new possibilities with /diff or /arbi.
2. We integrated TradingView, try TV alerts and receive them directly to PalmaBot on Telegram! And guess what! Have the ability to react instantly with buy / sell execution!
NOTICE! This is alpha public release, please report any weird behavior to our
To try it out, go to PalmaBot on Telegram (click below) and write to PalmaBot: /tv
3. Blog launch
We are trying to keep up the pace with our and crypto market stories. Soon will come more.
Go to: main menu - Blog
4. Corona is not bad in some cases 😉 we prolonged Beta pricing!
Go to: main menu - Pricing
15th of April 2020

Graph enhancements, button workflow optimization, DE and TUR language support
1. Graph enhancements - Sell (red) and Buy (green) dots visible on coinPrice graph
Now you do not have to check the numbers as it is visually visible where your orders were made. Works in demo mode as well.
Go to bot on Telegram and write to it:
2. Button workflow optimization
Our main purpose is to make your UX better and trading faster. That is why we are constantly measuring what you are doing although we do not know who is who (zero data app). Our goal is to make as much as possible accessible with a single click.
Go to demo (there all functions are accessible) to bot on Telegram and write to it: /demo
3 Germain and Turkish language support
Go to bot on Telegram and choose language here - type:
/account -> /settings - > /language
17th of March 2020

Trail PRO features added, PRO keyboard layout added, SLO and HR language support
1. Trail PRO features
Trail Stop Buy (tsb) will buy you an asset as soon as it's price will rise for set threshold.
Trail Stop Sell (tss) will sell your asset as soon as it's price will fall for set threshold.
Available for FREE in /demo and in PRO packages (discounts till end of Beta pricing period).
Go to bot on Telegram and write to it:
2. PRO keyboard layout
You can now change your keyboard layout, so that you will have all PRO features accessible with a single click.
Go to bot on Telegram and write to it: /p
3 Slovenian and Croatia language support
Go to bot on Telegram and choose language here - type:
/account -> /settings - > /language
15th of February 2020

Zero Second Arbitrage Filtering, Stop Loss - Take Profit PRO feature added and Graph enhancements
1. /arbi filtering
Available in all packages till end of Beta pricing period.
Menu -> Pricing
Go to bot and write to it: /arbi
2. Stop Loss - Take Profit
PalmaPRO feature that enables you to setup stop loss and take profit pair for any position you are in. Available for free in /demo and within automation of PRO packages.
Go to bot on Telegram and write to it: /sl_tp
3 Graph enhancements
Faster graph loading, lines showing 1% threshold added and 1 month (1M) view added.
10th of January 2020

Zero Second Arbitrage, referral QR code and PayPal
1. /arbi - Zero Second Arbitrage
Available in all packages till end of Beta pricing period.
Menu -> Pricing
Menu -> Features -> Zero Second Arbitrage
2. PayPal
Payment processor added with credit card and PayPal options. Find this option in bot on Telegram, press button or write:
3 Faster confirmation of commands
One step less in confirming status message with execution e.g. /buy, /sell, /balance,…
4. Referral QR code
Give your friend a gift – let him / her sign up to PalmaBot via QR code. Referral QR code accessible within the bot inside
/account button or
/myreferral command.
13th of December 2019

Real Time Data Processor, Partnership with FKPV and Pricing launch
1. Architecture and Data Base upgrade
Multi exchange real time data processor implemented with asynchronous data matrix upgrade for fastest price change and arbitrage signaling.
Get notified faster then you can see it on the exchange directly!
2. Partnership with Faculty for Business and Communication sciences (FKPV) signed.
Read more in our blog - find in footer on this website.
3. Payment Gateway launch
Workflows for Palma packages subscriptions were integrated, now you can upgrade your account with PalmaBonus or more then 50 cryptos via CoinGate payment gateway.
14th of November 2019